Looking at history, where networks are created and can collapse, we need to learn in IT what the risk are of our attempts to unite the IT landscape with Service Orientation (SOA) and Event Driven Architecture (EDA). Examples in the financial world and the utility market should be a warning for IT of what could hit us. This calls for craftmanship of people in our profession who have the ability to look cross borders and control by means of Governance, in Design AND in Run time.
One example of a collapsing network is the current ongoing subprime mortgage crisis which still creates waves of unemployments, closing of companies an costing a lot of money. It is caused by globalization of the financial world, a would be believe that house prices would never go down, the growing dependancies of markets and the lack of control. At one point is became clear that the fundament of the economic rise, the ever increasing house price, was not a certainty anymore, and the network collapsed.
Another example is in the utility market. On august 14th, 2003 a disruption of the energy grid caused a blackout in the North Eastern part of the US and Canada, and hit 10M people. It started as massive power fluctuation in New York state and, in no time, affected all the areas. Here one flaw in one part of the energy grid caused the collapse of a very large part of the energy grid.
In IT we come from silo based architectures, every functionality (or set of functionalities) is contained in one silo, which may have integration points with other parts in the enterprise but stands essentially on its own. When one of these silos goes down it can cause a major problem for the enterprise, loss of sales, the going down of an essential production process, and in the end money and reputation damage. But at this point, it would NOT cause a cascading domino effect on other systems or enterprises. The promise of the SOA and EDA is the network of applications where everything can be connected and reused. Especially the reuse part can be the risk part, reuse with no insight in the relations can cause Single Points of Failures.
We are creating the power grid of applications for the future, that makes us responsible for making the right choices now.
One of these choices is to know the dependancies of the system components, for both in Design and in Run time.
At Design time, we need to be able to quickly identify all the dependencies in our landscape. This includes both the application types like custom build (based upon all types of technologies), package based, legacy and integration components. With the ultimate wish to be able to create an impact analysis list based upon all the touched components with just one push one the button. Another decision which is made at Design time, is whether we´d like to reuse an existing component, elsewhere in the enterprise landscape or even outside, and what the impact is if that (reused) component goes down. Based on that risk analysis we can decide whether to reuse that component or build it ourselves.
At Run time we need to have insight in the inter relations between all deployed components, and identify possible risk areas, for instance a service which is used by an ever increasing amount of applications.
Where should we start? In most environments people start of with Excel sheets, which in no time are not usable anymore because of the complexity, which calls for the need for proper Governance tooling (or at the basis a dependancy tracking tool). When you start with a Governance tool the environment is, of course, empty. Loading all the components and dependancies in your environment is time consuming and costly. This is the major problem why dependancy tracking tool, (SOA) Governance tools and Service Repositories are hard to start with in enterprises. The Business case at start is way too costly, even though we all know that on the long term it is essential for getting a grip on you IT environment. A diffentiator in this market will be the option to load an existing environment into the dependancy tracking tool repository.