Composition is all about combining functionalities exposed from different sources. Up until now SOA hasn't brought us the salvation of combining functionalities from disparate sources. There may be help on the way. Service Component Architecture or SCA offers a simple application model for wiring all functionality together.
Composition is about combining functionalities exposed within an application or from external sources. How is this implemented in programming languages:
Combining functionality within an application is standard practice in languages such as Java and .Net. The functionalities exposed and reused are fine grained, there lots of calls between objects and the communication is based upon a method type of call.
Remote invocations in the same language, from outside the applications, is hard to implement, it is error prone and mostly a lot of time is lost due to all connection and protocol complexity.
Crossing the border in a mutiple language environment calls for the SOA neutral language approach, typically done with Web Services. The usage model of a SOA type of call is completely different then in the case of combining functionality within an application. The exposed and reused functionalities are coarse grained, mostly the amount of calls between services is low and communication is based upon a document type of call. The implementation of Web Service invocation and handling, even though standard frameworks exists are still time consuming and all the error handling needs to take place within the application.
The complexity gets harder when the same service needs to be exposed with multiple communication protocols. Making a unified communication model based upon Web Services is unfortunately not the answer, due to the different usage model of the SOA and low level application type of calls. Web Services used for low level application calls, for instance, are killing for performance.
Service Component Architecture (SCA) offers an implementation model for combing functionality, from internal and external sources, into composites. It offers an environment which takes care of all the communication, or wiring, between the services. SCA is limited to combining application or data logic but is not aimed at the presention layer and the data persistency layer. SCA is a standard defined by the OSOA organization, and is backed up by the vendors IBM, SAP, Oracle (inclusing BEA), Iona and Sun.
Without going into detail here a short summary of SCA.
SCA provides four basis building blocks, Services, Components, Composites and Domain.
Service, Components and Composites are part of SCA Design Time environment, the Domain is the SCA run time environment.
The basic building block is the Component, this holds and implements functionality, which can be exposed via Services. SCA does not deal with with the programming part of the component, it only handles combining functionality together. The only thing which a developer needs to do is state in the component (for instance a Java Class) that at a certain point in the application external functionality is needed, this can be done via a Reference name added as an Annotation in the application.
The Composite is a virtual container (just an XML file) where Components are defined and wired together. Policies can be added to Components when specific requirements on the usage or communication are needed, for instance security or reliability.
SCA enables building applications easily just like combining Lego blocks. Components can be combined into composite. Composites can be reused into new composites. But be aware that the the chain is as strong as its weakest link. If anywhere in the composite there is component that is badly tuned, it affects the composite as a whole. Composites should therefore be accompanied by SLA's, what is expected of the Composite.
The run time environment of SCA is the Domain. Multiple composites can be contained into the Domain. The Domain takes care of all the communication handling and the policies. In contrast to the SOA principle of being vendor neutral, a Domain is based upon one language. This is based upon one of the lessons learned from SOA, that vendor neutrality for fine grained services is overkill from a design perspective and on run time can be resource intensive which can cause performance problems.
SCA uses a very pragmatic approach, when services and clients are written in the same language, there is no need for a language neutral representation. SCA handles all the communications between the objects, or wiring, in a way that is best suited for the language and the environment. When dealing in a hybrid distributed environment the communication is handled via Web Services.
What are typical use cases for SCA
(1) Data composites, in a SCA Data Composite, data coming from different locations can be combined into one composite and the composite returns the combined set.
(2) Application functionality Composite
(3) Process composites
SCA will be able to fullfill the promise of SOA as long as the basic principle, simplicity, will be preserved.
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